Late November is always a period of contemplation for me. I am not a big fan of extravagant holiday events and if I didn't have a daughter and a mother I would probably disappear to a remote retreat site in December. Or at least take the phone off the hook. My current longing for down time is made more acute by the many weeks spent on the road this fall. I love teaching and I love the people I meet through my classes. I spent eight months on a book project this year. I am blessed. But I guess I need time to appreciate my blessings.
This week photo blogging has felt stilted. I think it is an indication that my project has come to its natural conclusion. I believe all good things DO come to an end, and if we could only acknowledge that fact without being threatened by it, many of us would live better lives. Friendships, marriages, critique groups and organizations all run their course, leaving participants better than they were before, if they will only allow it. A graceful exit is an admirable skill.
I have other projects in mind. I am devoting a considerable amount of energy to my new position as a vice president of the Surface Design Association. There is a great deal to be done to rework our services to our membership. This is something I care about passionately, and I intend to make myself useful.
I have two opportunities to show new work in 2010. The digital fabrics that were stacking up in my studio are in a process of transformation and I am totally jazzed at this point. I can hardly wait to get out to the studio in the morning. December WILL be the retreat month I crave.
I am very grateful for the comments and participation each of you contributed to make this year of blogging a success for me. I am especially grateful to Jackie Manley, who amazingly stepped up to the plate - offering comments on my photos almost every day for the whole year. I did not know her prior to this project. Now we've met for dinner and shared ideas about art! Life is a surprising gift.
When I decide to pursue a new on-line project I'll post the information to connect to it here. Keep your follower status, and you'll be alerted when a new project has begun. Here's to the projects you are pursuing yourselves. Stay in touch.
Appropriate photo for the "moving on" message...it's been a great ride...my morning coffee time just won't be the same without the morning visit to "Daily Visuals". Thanks for a great year!
Jane your block this year has been a wonderful inspiration for both my picture taking and my quilting.
Jackie, I have loved your comments and missed them when you weren't there.
Ricky in Winnipeg
Thank you Jane. I agree with your comment on a graceful exit. Moving on, from the good and the bad, is highly recommended.
Jane congratulations on your daily postings & best wishes for all your future involvements. I agree it is good to have an end point in sight. Growth, development & challenges come throughout our lives- they are the teachers.
cheers, Sue
What a way to go!
Great subject, fabulous photo.
I will miss having coffee with you too, but will keep your blog in my reader so I will follow whatever you do in the future.
All the best in that future, make it a good one!
Judy B
Dear Jane, I've been away for a few days again, a sad time unfortunately, but being home always feels good to get back to--kind of a convoluted sentence, isn't it? Thank you for the lessons in seeing this year. I am grateful for the insights. I've decided to begin a blog of my own, starting simply with a couple days a week. Who knows yet what it will be or become, but I'm excited and have to learn how to do it! Thank you, thank you for recognizing and validating me, it feels good! Someday I'll arrive at your doorstep and you can teach me to dye and print and stamp and all.
Thanks for a great year Jane, You've helped me 'see' in a more focused way.
I'll miss checking in - your seasons are the opposite of ours, so every so often that was a shock too,
Jane, it has been fun to follow your vision for this year. Like so many more, I find I am paying better attention throughout my day. Thank you for your leadership and inspiration. I will miss these daily offerings, but look forward to moving on. Gay
I will miss opening your pictures everyday. I have used it as a reminder to look closer at my everyday life to see the beauty in the world. Thanks! Jan King
Thank you so much for opening my eyes to look at the world around me in a totally different way. It has been a great year and I have also enjoyed Jackie's comments to help me understand why I found an image so compelling. Kathy Williams
Dear Jane,
Thank you so much, it's been a delightful journey throughout the year.
All the very best of everything to you and yours
Hi Jane
Thank you, Congratulations, and keep soaring........ You are Inspiring.
Hugz Fay Dunstan
For the past year my day has begun with a cup of coffee and viewing your latest photo. Thank you for such a lovely way to start the day.
Good luck with SDA. I'm a member and am happy to have you on the board. Good luck with your art as well.
Enjoy December.
Thank you Jane for the visual feast each day. As always you convey your thoughts so well in your words and images and I shall miss these insights into a beautiful mind.
How lucky SDA is to have you join the committee and I wish you all the best for this and hope that you still have plenty of creative energy to put into your own work.
take care
Thanks so much for these daily photos, looking at them every day has been an opportunity to pause, if only for a moment. Good luck with future projects.
Hi Jane, Did I understand it correctly, that you'll stop blogging on daily visuals? Just today I discovered your blog and I share with you practice make progress in whatever you do.
I am glad I discovered your blog. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures.
I hope to be able to join you in one of your workshops. For me it's a matter of time if it will come this far. Whenever it fits in my life.
Thanks again
Thanks for all the lovely images, and for exemplifying the value of practice. Can't wait to see/hear more about your next adventures...
Thanks for the inspiration and beautiful images! I look forward to seeing what you do next!
I thank you for your honest comments. I particularly struggle with this too - Friendships, marriages, critique groups and organizations all run their course, leaving participants better than they were before, if they will only allow it. A graceful exit is an admirable skill. - This statement helps me. I too wish I could retreat into my studio for a month and let other people do the care giving etc..
I hope you find inspiration.
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