Twenty two years ago I was going into labor right about now (7 pm central time; USA.)
Lately the world feels even more fractured - in real time and symbolically - than it already was.
On this eve of the Autumn Equinox - the shifting of the natural rhythms of the Earth - please join me - turn inward and pray for those we love, those we don't love and for peace.
I pray for the safety and blessing of my only daughter, born 22 years ago.And for each of us, as well meaning and flawed as we are. May we seek goodness and do only good - no harm.
Amen, Jane.
Lovely, Jane. Thank you. Belated happy birthday to your daughter. My son was born 11 years ago today.
Hola, Dee - how sweet to share the birthday of our children. I am sure many of their characteristics are similar, which can only be good for the planet and all concerned. XXX
Amen. My love and greetings to Z.
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