Without actually planning it, I've accumulated a small collection of handmade
objects. A carved stone bust from Ghana, a bone spoon from Germany, an antique table broom from England, three Native American
spirit totems from New Mexico - each imbued with a quality worth cultivating. These beautiful objects remind me not only of
time and place - where each was acquired, what I saw, who was accompanying me - but also remind me of life lessons, some of which were not easy.
Clearer boundaries? Working on it.
A generous spirit? My daily challenge.
Choosing to be nonjudgmental when faced with pain or hurt? At least I'm trying.
The ray of morning sunlight filtering through the screen softens my small collection of memories, reminding me that time alters perspective, and smoothes out rough edges. As Thanksgiving Day approaches, I choose to be grateful for the many lessons presented to me in this lifetime. Not easy, but certainly a sign that I'm alive and well.